🩰 Experience the ethereal beauty of La Sylphide, featuring the legendary Aurélie Dupont in a stunning 2004 performance from the Paris Opera Ballet.
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♀️ Let the magic of La Sylphide transport you to a world of romance and fantasy.
La Sylphide is a delicate dream, a whimsical ballet that dances on the border between reality and fantasy. Aurélie Dupont's portrayal of the ethereal Sylph is both ethereal and captivating, as she glides across the stage like a wisp of smoke.
Discover the beauty of ballet through our curated collection of performances and documentaries. From iconic productions to rising stars, we bring you the best of the ballet world.
La Sylphide, Paris Opera Ballet, Aurélie Dupont, Mathieu Ganio, Mélanie Hurel, Jean-Marie Didière, Isabelle Ciaralova, Gil Isoart, Emmanuel Hoff, Virginie Rousselière, romantic ballet, ballet, classical ballet, dance, ballet performance, ballet lovers, dance history, Paris Opera, ballet highlights
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