Laid off at 55 After 24 Years | Women, Life & Career Over 50 | Reinventing Myself
I was laid off in April of 2024 at the age of 55 after 24 years. It's a different world for women over 50 looking for a job. Ageism is real. Gen X is struggling. I don't want to go back into corporate. I have to reinvent myself. #womenover50 #lifeandcareerover50 #laidoff #layoff #lifeafterlayoff #startingoveragain #startingover #genx #corporate #toxicjob #toxicworkenvironment #career #reinventingmyself #reinventingyourself #jobhunt #howtogetajob #jobsearch #corporateculture #tooyoungtoretire #jobcoaching #jobmarket #careercoaching