This series is classified Vivartha-vāda | Rāja-yoga | Suśupti | Viśuddhi-cakra
Mother Lakṣmī: “I am revelation and bliss, and I am the I-hood of Hari. Know Me, who am called prāṇa and consist of pure knowledge, as the Mother of all mantras. As I become active to create, all these created objects come out of Me; and again at the time of dissolution they surely are dissolved in Me. I am the bala (prowess) of all these, and they manifest forms of myself. I am manifest in countless ways. I, the Goddess, the wish-fulfilling gem, manifest Myself in diverse forms. The vowels, consonants, combinations of vowels with consonants, sounds, words, all extant sacred sciences and Tantras as well as sentences. topics, sections and chapters, various external and internal Āgamas both popular and Vedic, and different spoken languages—all these are my mantra-form.
I manifest Myself in diverse polarized forms as the subject and object of knowledge according to varying intellectual capacity. Similarly, My manifestation as the aggregate of all mantras or as one individual mantra depends on the varying mental capacity of adepts. Mantras are of four types: bīja, piṇḍa, pada and saṁjñā. O Vāsava, consider five gems amongst them to be the outstanding ones. All these are present in My Tantra as butter is present in curd…” [52.1–17]
The most powerful bīja hrīṁ bestows on the adept fulfilment of all desires. To those desiring sons it gives sons, and a kingdom to those desiring a kingdom, prosperity to those longing for prosperity, and liberation to those aspiring after liberation. It destroys the adepts’ enemies and attracts those who are welcome. It is indeed the wish-fulfilling gem and there is no real gem that fulfil desires. The other bījas such as śa, ka, śrīṁ and kṣmrīṁ, fulfillers of all wishes, rank next to this one…
“The adept should perform aṅga-nyāsa in combination with all the six vowels from beginning to end, while displaying the jāti-mudrā. The same method is enjoined for the remaining bījas: aiṁ, klīṁ, sauḥ and īṁ. Through the addition of the first bīja āūṁ, which infuses them with the total I-hood of God, all the various groups of mantras become identified with Me. The Deities of the mantras, sustained by My śakti, are thus identical with Me, so that I thereby become the focus of meditation. The particular Deity presiding over each mantra should be envisioned as possessing a female form and appropriate color, weapons, ornaments etc. Consequently becoming identified with Me, mantras soon yield the desired results. Thus O Śakra, I conclude My brief exposition of the system of mantras.” [52.18–23]
Lakṣmī Tantra Part 1 (edited by Ādyaśakti Svāmī):
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