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About The Episode:
A well-known Indian politician, Lalu Prasad Yadav, and his wife, Rabri Devi, were invited to the show, and they both shared some interesting secrets with the audience. Now, stay tuned to know what all the important secrets are to be revealed by Lalu Prasad Yadav, his wife, and his daughter Misa Bharti, and what everyone's reaction will be after listening to them.
Show Name: Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai
Host: Farooq Shaikh
Guest Star: Lalu Prasad Yadav, Rabri Devi, Misa Bharti
Episode No: 6
#jeenaisikanaamhai #zeetv #farooqshaikh #talkshow #laluprasadyadav #indianpolitician #rabridevi #misabharti #funchats #interactiveconversations #secretreveal #trending #politics #cheifmisnisterofbihar #gossips #laluyadavslifeupdate
Lalu Yadav और Rabri Devi की Political Love Story | Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai | EP 6 | @zeetv