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KUNAL CHOUDHARY APPELLANT VERSUS THE STATE OF JHARKHAND & ANR.-https://main.sci.gov.in/supremecourt/2023/14262/14262_2023_15_1_48852_Order_05-Dec-2023.pdf
Recently, the Supreme Court ruled that the Court can’t impose bail conditions on the husband to resume conjugal life with his wife.
The high court by the impugned order had dismissed the petition filed by the appellant observing that given the adamant attitude of the appellant in not resuming the conjugal life with the opposite party, wife in the house of the appellant, where the opposite party was staying, his petition could not be considered.
The case, titled Kunal Choudhary vs. The State of Jharkhand, establishes a critical legal precedent, emphasizing the boundaries of conditions while granting anticipatory bail under Section 498A IPC. The Supreme Court’s ruling highlights the need to safeguard against the imposition of conditions that intrude upon personal arrangements between spouses, ensuring that bail conditions remain within the ambit of legal appropriateness and relevance to the specific case.
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