Can you sell CARBON CREDITS on your land and make money? Well, the simple answer is YES! But the more indepth and complicated answer is to BE VERY CAREFUL if you decide to sell 'Carbon Credits' on your wooded land! Hey folks welcome to @KapperOutdoors2.0 where we cover everything land management, land investing, land improvements, land excavation and wildlife land improvements! In today's episode I will cover a topic that has very little coverage and attention; Can you (and should you) sell carbon credits for your wooded or forested land? Last year we purchased a beautiful 575 acre Southern Missouri Ozarks property, which is now where we call home! And throughout the process we have done loads of research on generating income streams from our new Missouri land. But our main focus is to try to keep this farm intact and NOT have to sell any of the acreage in order to afford to call this our forever home and land. And with that being said we are exploring every available income stream avenue to try to keep this whole 575 acre Missouri farm together so that we do not have to sell off parcels to be able to afford to keep this farm all together. So that brings us to today's episode of selling carbon credits on your wooded land. I did a bunch of research on this topic, and today I will share all of that with you and share our actual cash offer from One such company that brokers in landowner carbon credits. We have an actual cash offer on hand that we need to decide whether to accept, and bring in a new income stream (and in doing so severely limit our land income opportunities, including logging and developing) or to turn this offer down and pursue other land income opportunities. Our intitial offer to preserve our 530 acres of woods was $10 an acre for 25 years, if we chose the guaranteed option. But if we chose the revenue sharing model, we could potentially earn up to $13,000 per year later in the 25 year contract should the carbon credit market continue to increase. Talk about some tough decisions! Join us today as we share all of our recently learned knowledge with you regarding Missouri land, selling your land carbon credits, logging land, government cost share programs and much more! Thanks for joining us today if you enjoy the outdoors, fresh air, land management projects, land improvement projects, tractor projects, excavator projects, bulldozer projects and everything else outdoors when it comes to land ownership than hit the like button and consider subscribing to join us with all of our life, land and liberty adventures from our Southern Missouri Ozarks farm! #carboncredit #carboncredits