Langge, a singing wolf in the West, Son of the prairie, postcard celebrity from Boertala, a preacher of Xinjiang’s culture, an example of Xinjiang multi-culture art, native singer and song writer, renowned famous program host.
狼戈, 草原之子, 博尔塔拉名片式的人物,新疆文华传播使者, 新疆民族艺术交融的典范, 原生态词曲作者,原生态音乐艺术家,新疆著名诙谐,幽默,机智主持人.
那一年9月, 乌鲁木齐的秋季,,地上落满了树叶,车轮缓缓地旋转, 迟迟不愿接近地窝国际机场,歌手知道心爱的姑娘莎吾烈,过一会儿就要飞往哈萨克斯坦的首都啊斯塔纳, 两座城市,阿斯塔纳,乌鲁木齐, 飞越阿拉套山的凄美爱情故事。
Langge has met his sweet heart Sally Uriel in that year Sept., later, she will fly to home country Kazakhstan, a sweet love remembered and the beautiful song will reverberate in the two cities, Astana and Urumqi......