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Laravel + Livewire todo app (and so much more)

Aaron Francis 58,136 10 months ago
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Using Laravel to create a todo app is like using a Lambo to go to the grocery store. You can do it... but you can do *so* much more! Follow me: Twitter: LinkedIn: Website: - find articles, podcasts, courses, and more. Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction: Building a To-Do App in Laravel 00:24 - Laravel Setup and Breeze Installation 01:35 - Exploring Laravel Starter Stacks and Dark Mode 02:38 - Logging in and Seeding the Database 02:55 - Creating the To-Do Model and Migration 03:53 - Modifying the Migration for User Association 04:59 - Creating the Livewire Component 05:57 - Binding the Task Input to Livewire State 06:57 - Handling Form Submissions in Livewire 07:57 - Fixing Fillable Attributes for Mass Assignment 08:21 - Displaying and Iterating Over To-Dos 09:30 - Associating To-Dos with the Logged-in User 10:34 - Deleting To-Dos from the Database 11:47 - Adding Email Notifications for New To-Dos 12:53 - Queueing Emails to Send in the Background 13:48 - Creating a Command to Handle Overdue To-Dos 14:50 - Scheduling Daily Tasks with Laravel Console 15:50 - Configuring Mailers and Other Drivers in Laravel 16:22 - Flexibility of Laravel for Real Applications
