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Larisa Guzeeva, one of the most charismatic women in the country, is the guest of the new episode of "Tell Gordeeva".
Orenburg in the 1960s-70s, Leningrad in the 1980s-90s, and Moscow in the 2000s: which period of her life does Larisa Guzeeva consider the best and why.
Kuryokhin, Tsoi, Grebenshchikov, and Nagiyev – which of her Leningrad youth friends does Larisa remember fondly.
About one wrong advice that ruined Guzeeva's career after "Cruel Romance" and what Larisa understood about Russian women after 14 years of hosting the show "Let's Get Married".
#guzeeva #tellgordeeva
Important note: we are sad to admit it, but we have to admit – in the 7th minute, the name of the great translator Viktor Mikhailovich Sukhodrev is pronounced with the wrong stress. This is a very unfortunate slip of the tongue, and we are ashamed of it. We apologize to anyone who may have been offended. We will work on ourselves.
And now - the content of the episode:
0:00 What kind of "inner Vadim" lives in Larisa Guzeeva and how she talks to him
3:17 "I'd rather spend a couple of years in prison than be 24 again"
4:20 How Larisa Guzeeva went to Orenburg for a high school reunion
7:11 Advertisement about how to solve translation difficulties
10:25 What Larisa Guzeeva regrets
13:24 "I'm alive. I cry in the makeup room after the show" - how the show "Let's Get Married" is filmed
17:07 What conclusions Larisa Guzeeva has come to after 14 years of filming "Let's Get Married"
22:25 "A woman is never to blame. Even if she's lying drunk on the beach with her legs spread and no panties"
24:30 "I live with it. I keep my mouth shut" - Larisa Guzeeva about harassment in her life
28:50 Advertisement that brings joy
31:14 "Men need less from us: a pretty face, body, and sex"
34:44 "I was a hot chick, long hair, short skirts" - how Larisa Guzeeva was the queen of rock and roll Leningrad
36:24 About the romance with Sergei Kuryokhin, Viktor Tsoi's pimples, and Boris Grebenshchikov's hair
40:24 How Larisa Guzeeva hospitalized Dmitry Nagiyev
44:19 "We slept on boxes on a concrete floor and watched the series "Simply Maria"" - how Larisa Guzeeva moved from Leningrad to Moscow
46:33 "I've never loved anyone in my life as much as my mom"
49:44 "I thank fate that I didn't die under a fence, didn't become an alcoholic, didn't get hooked on needles, and didn't lose my children"
53:10 Why is Larisa saved as "Zima" (winter) in her son's phone?
54:38 "I've become rose petals, rose water, silk" - how Larisa Guzeeva raises her daughter
56:18 "There was only one gyrus in my head" - why Guzeeva disappeared after "Cruel Romance"
57:46 How Larisa Guzeeva experienced severe depression twice
1:01:50 What happened to the owner of the men's boarding house, the main character of one of the most resonant programs "Let's Get Married"
1:05:47 What Guzeeva plans to do in retirement
1:09:23 "Nothing ages a woman like a teenage backpack and slang"
1:11:52 "Thank God, we didn't save the world with Garik" - why Kharlamov trolls Larisa
1:15:42 "Slava is such a good boy" - Guzeeva about Slava Marlow and Morgenstern
1:19:04 What tattoo is on the shoulder of Larisa Guzeeva's husband?
1:20:24 Why it's hard for actresses to be friends and whether Larisa knows how to be friends
1:23:21 "Yes, I was really dying" - who and how pulled Larisa back from the brink
1:25:54 "I don't know what's there. But I've sinned so much, and I don't want to burn in hell"
1:27:14 "I shouldn't be allowed anywhere near power" - for whom does Larisa Guzeeva want to reinstate the death penalty
1:31:29 "I've done it all. And I even got more than my fair share of being a woman"
1:34:29 "I'm a Crimeaphile. I'm a complete vatnik"
1:36:16 Blitz
Larisa Guzeeva https://www.instagram.com/_larisa_guzeeva_/
Katerina Gordeeva https://www.instagram.com/catherinagordeeva/