#ControllingBritneySpears #FreeBritney #BritneySpears
James Spears is embedded in the Britney Spears conservatorship like an Alabama tick. Britney’s lawyer Rosengart refers to James Spears' efforts to remain as lingering, I see it as a festering. Either Way the writing is on the wall for this Conservatorship and having James Spears removed is priority number one for Britney’s legal team. In new court filings on September 27, 2021, Britney’s legal team refers to the revelations from Controlling Britney Spears and how far off the rails the conservatorship has gone. Let’s all cross our fingers before this next court hearing on 9/29/21.
00:00 Welcome
02:05 Intro
03:04 Podcast Reviews
04:24 Podcast Quote
05:19 Surveilling Britney Spears
20:16 Thoughts About Controlling Britney Spears
21:33 What’s Pending on the 29th
31:14 Emily’s Thoughts
34:44 Bloopers
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