I've recently completed this commission build based upon some design work undertaken last year (more on the blog here: https://paxton-road.blogspot.com/2023/01/commission-shades-of-mountain-ash.html). Let me introduce 'Shades of Mountain Ash', a small slice of industrial set in South Wales, the preserve of coal wagons, Panniers and industrial types.
This cameo style layout is 120cm x 40cm, wired for DCC and fully scenic. In this video I walk through the design and focus on particular elements that have worked really well, interspersed with some mindful shunting of coal wagons (by Accurascale and Planet Industrials https://www.lightrailwaystores.co.uk/collections/planet-industrials/products/pir-001) with my Rapido / Model Rail Pannier 16xx (still available from Model Rail offers https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=model+rail+offers&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8).