Lazygit is an amazing way to use git on the terminal and has been a wonderful addition to my workflow. In this video, I go through everything you should know to get started with lazygit and how to integrate it with Neovim and the lazy.nvim plugin manager. Hope you enjoy it!
💻 Dotfiles:
🎥 How I Setup Neovim:
🎥 How To Install Neovim Plugins With lazy.nvim:
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⏰ Timestamps
00:00 - introduction
00:30 - installation
01:01 - overall layout
02:00 - staging & committing
05:29 - pushing to remote
05:49 - branches
06:30 - resolving merge conflicts
08:49 - filtering
09:08 - seeing more info/details
10:01 - integrating with neovim
11:20 - conclusion