Did you know that Dorico is more than just software for writing scores? If you’re looking for high-quality information about Dorico, this is the most complete tutorial in Spanish. I’m going to show you that mastering Dorico isn’t as hard as it seems if you know how to do it. Get ready to discover Dorico’s hidden features and turn it into your best ally for music writing! I’m Luis Carlos Moreno, creator of AulaMusical and a university professor, and I’m eager for you to get everything you need from this video to start using Dorico the right way. I’m sure you deserve a process filled with useful information and free of stress. That’s why I’ve dedicated all my teaching experience to designing this guide, so you can see essential tricks that will improve your workflow and help you get the most out of this powerful music notation software.
Watch this video until the end and see for yourself how powerful Dorico can be for creating your scores.
▶ Parte 1: https://youtu.be/HuKaTfi0tXY Cómo Empezar con Dorico: Atajos y Escritura
▶ Parte 2: https://youtu.be/8dIVGRv3q88 Escribir acordes e intervalos armónicos
▶ Parte 3: https://youtu.be/dsPjKhpIEDQ Selección y edición en partitura
00:00 Introduction to Dorico Tutorial
- 01:02: Dorico (Hub ) Start Screen
- 03:00 SMuFL Fonts in Dorico
- 04:06 Importing MusicXML Files into Dorico
- 05:47 Initial Setup of Dorico
- 08:10 Navigating Dorico's Work Modes
- 11:30 Left and Right Panels in Dorico
- 14:18 Bottom Zone in Dorico
- 16:49 Activating the Caret (Dorico Cursor)
- 17:43 What is Popover and How to Use it in Dorico
- 18:30 Time Signature Popover
- 18:59 Adding Additional Bars in Dorico
- 19:56 Write Mode: Duration First, Then Pitch
- 21:21 Write Mode: Pitch First, Then Duration
- 22:58 Which Writing Method is Better?
- 24:25 Selecting a Musical Note Without Modifying It
- 24:55 Audio Device Setup
- 27:00 Note Input in Dorico
- 27:50 Inserting Rests in Dorico
- 28:27 Modifying the Pitch of Written Notes in Dorico
- 29:39 One Bar Repeat sign
- 30:20 Adding Repeats in Dorico
- 30:40 Inserting Tempo Markings in Dorico
- 31:08 Concert Mode and Transposed Mode
- 31:28 Changing Key Signatures in Dorico
- 32:00 Adding a New Player in Dorico
- 32:59 Tied Notes in Dorico
- 34:34 Adding a Dot to Notes in Dorico
- 35:40 Adding a Pick-up Measure in Dorico
- 36:35 Adding Dynamics in Dorico
- 36:58 Adding Articulations in Dorico
- 37:28 How to Delete Extra Bars in Dorico
- 37:55 Changing the View of the Score in Dorico
- 38:27 Viewing Parts and Full Score in Dorico
- 39:12 Conclusion
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⭐️ LISTA DE VIDEOS Curso de Finale (Tutorial de Finale con ejemplos y trucos de atajos de teclado para Escribir partituras) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSfpTs1MnKvsTzPHfJmqsw4tzMqueAZTs
⚡️LISTA DE Música, Tecnología y pedagogía. Información para músicos sobre partituras, software, armonía y curso de Finale https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSfpTs1MnKvvpMmDqBO4lJC11zH3OZsL9
⚡️LISTA DE Trucos para escribir PARTITURAS en FINALE // (Tutoriales de Finale con ejemplos y trucos de atajos de teclado para Escribir en pentagrama) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSfpTs1MnKvtZ3I6phOq6Zo6y543cUxHM
⚡️LISTA DE Shorts: Videos Cortos de Aulamusical. Te lo explico en menos de un minuto. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSfpTs1MnKvsaOVuSk2ZncDmRWMs6o0fC
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#Aulamusical #Dorico