My Digital Art for Beginners Course:
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What do you need to start drawing and learn art and illustration? Just paper and pencil. We're not going to get to fancy in this first class. We will start with the very basics about how everything we are going to draw is made up of simple shapes. 2D shapes like squares, circles and triangles and also 3d shapes like spheres, cylinders, cubes and cones.
00:00 Intro
00:56 How This Class Works
01:35 What You Need
02:08 Looking At The World Like An Artist
02:50 Drawing Lines
03:25 Drawing Shapes
05:19 Everything Is Made of Shapes
06:18 Cubes, Spheres and Cones
07:01 Drawing A Cube
07:40 Drawing Spheres
08:18 Drawing Cones
08:37 Drawing Cylinders
08:54 Homework