Learn how to perfect your butterfly arm pull and eliminate mistakes. See how your butterfly pull can go wrong and lead to wasted effort.
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The best fins for training are Alpha Fins - they are light and float and the shape is ideal to improve foot strength and flexibility:
Get Michael Phelps Alpha fins here
(USA):- https://bit.ly/AlphaFins1
(UK):- https://amzn.to/2Zv0vYZ
Using a Tempo Trainer can make hitting a stroke rate much easier on any stroke. Here is where you can get one
(USA):- https://amzn.to/3j4iVaL
(UK):- https://amzn.to/2WizK80
For On-Line Coaching: http://www.swimmingcyclingrunning.com/online.html
For Free Session Plans: http://www.swimmingcyclingrunning.com/sessionplans.html
For Winter Training Camps in Cape Verde: http://www.swimmingcyclingrunning.com/camps.html