Learn SDR with Professor Jason Gallicchio at Harvey Mudd College
Lesson 8b: Doppler Radar!
60mph = 27 m/s : 2.4e9*27/3e8*2 = 432.0 Hz audio!
3 m/s : 3.5e9*3/3e8*2 = 70 Hz you can hear that difference
Antennas and polarization. Long cables to move farther away. Automatic gain control AGC versus manual gain. Parameters of transmitters and receivers.
https://wiki.analog.com/university/tools/pluto/devs/specs 325 MHz - 3.8 GHz, 2.4 Hz LO step size
Don't plug TX directly into RX without a large attenuator and without checking limits. Nearby antennas with an air gap are fine.
Since the same clocks are used, no sync issues.
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MViVyocQhVw
HW: Put the parameters of the Doppler filters on range sliders and explore different center tones and filter widths.
HW: See if you can record fast-moving cars outside (safely).
All GNURadio flowgraphs are at:
--- Learn SDR with Professor Jason Gallicchio