Learn Spanish: Fruits (intermediate level).
In this video from https://www.tuescueladeespanol.es/ I explain what the main fruits are called according to the Spanish of Spain (some of these foods have a different name in Latin America).
First of all we see the fruits that are grown in Spain, and then we review the names of the tropical fruits that we eat the most in this country, citrus fruits, forest fruits and nuts.
Download the text transcription of this video in PDF format at this link: https://goo.gl/UXVhqB
And in my Zona Premium you can practice all this vocabulary: https://www.tuescueladeespanol.es/zona-premium/
You can also learn more about vocabulary, grammar and other issues related to Spanish in my blog 'Con Ñ de español' (https://www.tuescueladeespanol.es/reglas-espanol/).
Finally, to know more about life and customs in Spain, visit my blog 'Conoce España' (https://www.tuescueladeespanol.es/conoce-espana/).
#LearnSpanishs #FruitsinSpanish