In this video, we'll be covering the Spanish prepositions. These are important words that we use to describe locations, actions, and relations. You'll hear Spanish prepositions used in an easy everyday conversation as Pamela helps Aiko look for her keys.
If you're interested in learning Spanish, then this video is for you! This video will give you a good understanding of these important words and help you develop listening comprehension.
Learn Spanish prepositions and vocabulary by listening as Aiko and Pamela look for Aiko's keys. We all have conversations about where we put something, and in this video, you will learn lots of useful Spanish vocabulary related to placement, prepositions and position.
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This lesson is a key component of online education in Spanish language. Learning to talk about placement is part of basic communication and one of the tasks included in most Spanish courses.
In this video, Aiko and Pamela speak slowly and clearly. It''s an easy conversation for beginners and perfect as a review for intermediate Spanish learners.
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This video is an excellent online Spanish lesson. Like short Spanish TV shows, it is fun for Spanish class and also entertaining and educational for adults. The video includes Spanish subtitles. Open the subtitles by clicking the settings icon at the bottom of the video.
Video production by Fábrica Visual:
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