The Hunter’s Lodge has a quest for you! A dangerous quarry lurks in the wilds! Equip yourselves and prepare to face whatever machines or events that lie in wait on the trails! Are you up to the task? Join me on the hunt in Horizon Zero dawn. I’ll teach you how to play and take a look at the components, setup, player turn, and end game conditions for the game. As always, don’t forget to smash that like button and subscribe if you haven’t yet! Game type: Semi Cooperative - Strategic deck building Run time: 60-90 mins Number of players: 1–4 Players Creator/ Designer: Sherwin Matthews Artist/Illustrator: Guerrilla Miniature Games Art Deptartment, Thomas Lishman, Doug Telford Publisher: Steamforged Games Ltd. ( Find more great Learn to Play videos on our YouTube page here: Subscribe to LearntoPlayGames (L2PG) : Twitter: Facebook: Twitch: