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Learn to Play Terraforming Mars in 13 minutes

RTFM 156,287 6 years ago
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How to play the Terraforming Mars base game in just 13 minutes (there's a few minutes of silliness in the front and back) To support RTFM, consider pledging at Want to buy this game? Get it here and it'll kick back a few bucks to me (or go to your friendly local game store, that's cool too) Corrections: 9:27 - Reducing resources (due to a red bordered resource on a card) is optional. Reducing resource production is always mandatory, whether there is a red border or not. (Thanks to Jonathon Fryxelius for pointing this out) Want to rewatch something? Basics: 3:05 Set-up: 3:46 Phases of a round: 5:37 Global Parameters: 6:03 Action Phase: 7:38 Cards: 8:04 Resources: 9:34 Shameless Patreon Plug: 9:44 Standard Projects: 10:40 Awards and Milestones: 11:26 Production Phase: 13:05 Endgame: 13:44 Variants: 15:05 Twitter: Instagram: Personal Twitter: #tutorial #boardgames #RTFM #rtfmshow
