Learning and development is, obviously, not all about training even if is this is what we automatically think. This is a overview of all of L&D with many useful tips for seasoned HR professionals in addition to those with a specific interest.
Irina Ketkin is an L&D professional who teaches Udemy courses on the subject and has a YouTube channel as well - the L&D Academy.
This video covers a more accurate view of L&D with some tips you , the keys to L&D success and, my favourite, some of the adult learning principles. I will be applying her tips in the the future and some are sure to resonate with you:
- Only 10% of learning occurs in training (this is not an adult learning principle, but still useful!)
- Adults are focused on achieving goals when they attend training
- Adults use their life experiences to help them learn and remember
- Adults are more self-directed in their learning
- Adults like to have choice in how they learn
These few tips will help me improve future training. They'll probably help you too!
0:00 Intro
0:48 What is L&D
1:46 Training allll day
3:42 70-20-10
5:00 What about on-the-job learning?
7:38 Professional trainers?
10:49 Stakeholders
12:17 Adult learning principles
16:49 Training solves everything!!!
19:20 Outsource or in-house?
22:03 Learn more
Find Irina @TheLnDAcademy
Find me (Andrea) at www.thehrhub.ca. I'm an HR consultant as well as YouTuber and provide a wide range of consulting support.