Bun Bun has a dream that foreshadows a potential fate that can’t be stopped. After waking up, he does an episode with his best friend, Pibby, in their show “Learning With Pibby”. Things go from upbeat to catastrophic when his dreams come true(in the WORST way possible!).
Music Used:
-“Fresh Fallen Snow” by Chris Haugen
-“Dramatic Danger” by Jay Man(OurMusicBox)
-“Alone” by Aakash Gandhi
-“Earthy Crust” by Jingle Punks
-“Leaving Home” by Kevin MacLeod
-“Surrender” by Asher Fulero
-“Morning Mandolin(Country & Folk)” by Chris Haugen
-“Apprehensive at Best” by Biz Baz Studio
-“Underworld” by Myuu
This video is a gigantic thank you for all the viewers that saw my “Learning with Pibby: Roleswap AU” video!(even those who called my drawings “Terrible” or “Cringe” get a huge thanks, opinions respected). If you want MORE episodes, tell me in the comments below!
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