Learnus visits Trinity College, University of Cambridge to meet the eminent academic, Sir Simon Baron-Cohen, British clinical psychologist, professor of developmental psychopathology and Director of the Autism Research Centre.
Sir Simon is a world expert on Autism. He lectures all over the world and has written a number of bestselling books on Autism including "The Pattern Seekers", "The Essential Difference" , "Zero Degrees of Empathy" and "Mindblindness".
In this interview, Sir Simon discusses his early experiences with autistic children and how he has dedicated his life ever since to research into autism, In 1997 he founded the Autism Research Centre (ARC) at Cambridge and has been director of the centre ever since.
Spectrum News has described the work of Baron-Cohen on theory of mind as “a landmark study”. The Lancet described him as “a man with extraordinary knowledge, but his passionate advocacy for a more tolerant, diverse society, where difference is respected and cultivated, reveals a very human side to his science”.