Legendary Grass Piston Trap in Hoplite
About This Video: My friend Shadow and I created the most insane redstone trap ever created. This was a trap we were working on for months, and we finally got a great win with it!
Server IP: hoplite.gg
Want to Build My Traps? (if the link doesn't work, go to my newest video)
World Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8z97wegrh9we961/DoomedCow%2527s_Trapping_World.zip/file
Discord: https://discord.gg/asEHCXV
Twitter: https://twitter.com/doomedmoo
Profile Picture: https://twitter.com/MokeBanana
Legendary grass trap???
#speedsilver #hoplite #battleroyale #minecraft #uhc #minecrafttraps