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► Free Leica Styles for Capture One Pro
Use code "LEICASTYLES" for Capture One Styles - then they are entirely free and you saved $48.00.
► Free Leica Presets for Adobe Lightroom:
Use code: "LEICAOVERGAARD" for Lightroom Presets - then they are entirely free and you saved $48.00.
Article on Leica Q2: "Long Live the Q - This is not a smartphone camera":
Article on Leica Q (type 116): "To be, or not to be, that is the Q"
"Leica Q Video Masterclass" and "The Leica Q Know-All eBook":
For my article about the HISTORY OF LEICA, see my extremely long article about more than 100 years of history here:
For photography and Leica definitions, see my dictionary:
Thorsten von Overgaard is a Danish writer and photographer, specializing in portrait photography and documentary photography, known for writings about photography and as an educator. You are always welcome to send an e-mail to Thorsten for questions, suggestions and ideas.
Thorsten Overgaard is an independent writer and photographer who write, teach workshops and publish user reports about the equipment he uses. There is no affiliation with Leica Camera AG or any camera dealers, no free gifts, no sponsorship, no kickback and no paid content. All you see is real and based on the life of an eccentric and hard-working photographer who makes his own money, buys his own equipment and form his own independent opinions - and shares with you. Enjoy the ride.
Job 1914-0219
#LeicaQ2 #Mirrorless #ThorstenOvergaard