Lekompo Chillas Mix features Janesh & Abi wa Mampela in its first episode. Lekompo Chillas Mix is a private event held at private locations and guests are also based on the allocated limited number. #Janesh #BaoJelasa #limpopo #LimpopoMusic #AbiwaMampela #Shandesh #ShandeshMusic #makompo #lekompo #trending #trendinglekompo #Selaleng #Maphodisa #Painkiller #hotmix #balconymix #LekompoBalconymix #LekompoChillasMix
Time codes
00:00 - Intro
1:00 - Bjaleni intro song
3:10 - Five
6:16 - Iphone
8:20 - Bao Jelasa
10:40 - Painkiller
13:23 - Lifestyle
15:26 - Ditjotjo
17:03 - Ba Molwela
19:16 - O lora okhe njola
21:10 Dhowa Naye
24:45: Ke morata ale soo
27:59 Dikoloto
30:49 Banna ba December
34:34 Girlfriend allowance
37:30 Taba tsa Marato
40:42 Mobapeni
44:12 Maphodisa
47:47 Selling
51:00 Tshelete ya kontraka
54:05 Competition
56:07 Privacy
59:30 Inama
1:02:01 Bao Jelasa 2.0
1:05:55 Psycho