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00:00 : intro
01:08 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
01:57 : mencampur adonan (mixing the batter)
03:34 : memanggang adonan (baking the batter)
04:39 : membuat biscoff spread (making Biscoff spread)
05:39 : membuat saus biscoff (making Biscoff sauce)
06:43 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepBasqueBurntCheesecake #ResepBakedCheesecake #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Basque Burnt Cheesecake (untuk 8 porsi)

350 gr cream cheese (suhu ruang)
75 gr mascarpone (suhu ruang)
100 gr gula pasir
3 butir telur
¾ sdt garam
240 gr whipping cream
½ sdm perisa vanila
15 gr maizena

Bahan biscoff spread:
20 gr mentega tawar
30 gr minyak
100 gr biscoff
½ sdt kayu manis bubuk
75 gr white chocolate chips
½ sdt garam

Bahan tambahan saus biscoff:
50 ml biscoff spread
50 ml whipping cream
50 ml susu

Cara membuat:
1. Di dalam mangkuk, campurkan cream cheese, mascarpone, gula pasir, garam, perisa vanila dan maizena, mixer hingga merata kemudian masukkan telur satu per satu, mixer kembali hingga rata
2. Masukkan whipping cream, aduk dengan spatula hingga rata
3. Siapkan loyang (ukuran diameter: 16 cm) kemudian alasi dengan baking paper. Masukkan adonan sambil disaring kemudian panggang di suhu 220 derajat celcius selama 30-35 menit
4. Di dalam mangkuk, campurkan white chocolate chips, mentega tawar dan minyak, lelehkan dengan microwave
5. Masukkan biscoff, garam dan kayu manis bubuk ke dalam food processor, haluskan kemudian masukkan cokelat yang sudah dilelehkan, haluskan kembali
6. Untuk tambahan saus, di dalam mangkuk campurkan whipping cream, biscoff spread dan susu, aduk rata
7. Keluarkan cheesecake dari oven. Diamkan di suhu ruang kemudian dinginkan di dalam kulkas minimal 4 jam atau semalaman sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang
8. Lap bagian loyang dengan lap panas lalu keluarkan cheesecake dari loyang
9. Basque burnt cheesecake siap disajikan


Basque Burnt Cheesecake Recipe (yield 8 servings)

350 g cream cheese (room temperature)
75 g mascarpone (room temperature)
100 g sugar
3 pc egg
¾ tsp salt
240 g whipping cream
½ tbsp vanilla extract
15 g cornstarch

Biscoff Spread ingredients:
20 g unsalted butter
30 g oil
100 g Biscoff cookies
½ tsp cinnamon powder
75 g white chocolate chips
½ tsp salt

Biscoff Sauce ingredients:
50 ml Biscoff spread
50 ml whipping cream
50 ml milk

1. In a bowl, mix the cream cheese, mascarpone, sugar, salt, vanilla extract, and cornstarch until well combined. Then add the eggs one by one, mixing after each addition until smooth.
2. Add the whipping cream and stir with a spatula until fully incorporated.
3. Prepare a baking pan (diameter: 16 cm) lined with baking paper. Strain in the batter and bake at 220°C for 30-35 minutes.
4. In a bowl, combine white chocolate chips, butter, and oil. Melt them in the microwave.
5. Add the Biscoff cookies, salt, and cinnamon powder to a food processor and blend until fine. Then add the melted chocolate mixture and blend again.
6. For the sauce, combine the whipping cream, Biscoff spread, and milk in a bowl and stir well.
7. Remove the cheesecake from the oven. Let it cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight before removing from the pan.
8. Wipe the sides of the pan with a warm cloth and remove the cheesecake from the pan.
9. Basque Burnt Cheesecake is ready to serve.


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