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देखिए लेमकन पावर हैरो का पूरा स्पेसिफ़िकेशन | LEMKEN POWER HARROW | PERLITE 5 | FULL SPECIFICATION

Prem Agro Beejna 48,624 5 years ago
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#lemken_power_herrow #lemken_perlite5 #lemken_rotavator देखिए लेमकन पावर हैरो का पूरा स्पेसिफ़िकेशन | LEMKEN POWER HARROW | PERLITE 5 | FULL SPECIFICATION Hi i am Hemant kaushik. Welcome to our youtube channel. About this video:- Power Harrow - Perlite 5:- A perfect seed bed preparation implement suitable for all soil conditions The power harrow is a versatile and efficient implement used for seedbed preparation. it mixes & levels the soil provides the softer look and having granulated yet leveled appearance best suitable for the sowing. The soil will be cultivated to a consistent working depth. The LEMKEN power harrow is suitable for the 40-75 HP range of tractors. For more details regarding lemken implements contact us:- PREM AGRO BEEJNA Charkhi Dadri (Haryana). Dealer- HEMANT KAUSHIK MOB-9255106923 FOLLOW US ON :- INSTAGRAM- lemken_the_agrovision_company fb page- PREM AGRO BEEJNA more related videos:- power harrow specification:- cultivator specification:- subsoiler specification:- plough specification:- plough specification in hindi:- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . related more queries- 4wd tractor tractor agricultural machinery farm euipment farm machinery agricultural implement 2 mb plough 3 mb plough 4 mb plough 2 mb plough price 3 mb plough price 4 mb plough price limkan palti mb plough limkan palti price lemken 2 mb plough lemken plough adjustment lemken plough setting limkan plough lemken opal 090 opal 090 lemken price best plough in india tractor plough reversible plough hydraulic reversible plough prem agro beejna best mb plough lemken plough models 1 mb plough 1 mb plough price lemken perlite 5 lemken power harrow limkan power harrow limkan harrow lemken harrow lemken 7 feet harrow lemken 8 feet harrow lemken 6 feet harrow limkan 6 foot harrow limkan 7 foot harrow limkan 8 foot harrow lemken rotavator lemken disc harrow limkan disc harrow lemken power harrow price limkan harrow price limkan power harrow price massey ferguson with lemken harrow limkan perlite 5 lemken power harrow models best power harrow in india lemken cultivator limkan cultivator tractor achat 70,tine cultivator lemken tine cultivator limkan tine cultivator achat 70 lemken achat 70 limkan lemken cultivator price limkan cultivator price lemken cultivator price in india tractor cultivator best cultivator in india best cultivator lemken achat 70 limkan achat 70 lemken subsoiler limkan subsoiler lemken labrador labrador 160 lemken heavy duty single tine subsoiler heavy duty 2 tine subsoiler how to use a subsoiler subsoiler ripper best subsoiler in india lemken labrador subsoiler limkan labrador subsoiler limken subsoiler There are many videos in youtube which have similar type of content but why my video was only locked as private.I think my video does not violate any type of Guidelines.Thanks Youtube team disc plough chisel plough wooden plough mouldboard plough mb plough iron plough types of plough plough in hindi tractor plough country plough snow plough indigenous plough lemken plough reversible plough rotary plough summer ploughing subsoil plough ancient plough ridge plough ploughing in agriculture disk plough mole plough ox plough deep ploughing desi plough hand plough disc plough price mouldboard ox drawn plough plough price plough in tamil reversible mb plough traditional plough bose plough hydraulic reversible plough mb plough price
