hello friends welcome to my channel in this video I have give you lecture and provide you technique of air layering of lemon plant colouring technique is a very best method for propagation of any fruit plant from mature plant by this technique you can get fruits with in a month it requires very less time to get fruits because we propagate the plants from mature plant that's why it need not any required any time to get flowering and fruiting in this video I have show you the technique of alluring of lemon plant today I make a airing on my lemon tree which is rooting since 10 years I have already get success by this method of air layering technique of lemon plant this technique is best for every fruit plant to get early success after plantation of wearing plant within a month you will see the flower of that concerned tree it is very good method to get early fruiting in acid lime plant of a lemon plant it requires at least five years for getting fruits but in our learning method you can get fruits within 6 month if you enjoyed this video please like this video and subscribe our YouTube channel whenever I will upload any video you will get notification thank you for watching Jay Hind Jay Bharat