Have you ever wanted to learn more about Lent and the different ways you can cultivate your own Lenten journey with your own family?
Great Lent is a special gift that the Church gives us in order to help us re-focus our lives on Christ. The Church has set aside 40 days as a special time of repentance and calls us to a long and sustained spiritual effort. It is comparable to a school of repentance in which every Christian can go yearly in order to deepen their faith, re-evaluate, and, if possible, to change their lives. It’s a wonderful journey to the very source of the Orthodox faith; a rediscovery of the Christian way of life. As we recognize this significant shift in our liturgical calendar, I wanted to provide resources and ideas to help you cultivate a lenten environment in your homes and with your families and share our favorite breakfast smoothie recipe!
Berry Smoothie
Makes 1 smoothie!
Handful of spinach
1/2 banana
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp hemp hearts
1 tbsp flaxseed
3/4 cup frozen berries
3/4 cup water (or coconut water)
Blend and serve immediately.
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