What a ding dong.
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Featuring and Co-Written by Matt Ley (@Thelaserbearguy) / (http://twitter.com/thelaserbearguy)
Co-Written, Produced, and Directed by Thomas 'TomSka' Ridgewell (@TomSka)
Cinematography and Colour Grading by Ciaran O'Brien (http://www.instagram.com/ciaranobriendop)
Edited by Elliot Gough (http://twitch.tv/thelovelystuff)
Music by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
Sound Design by Dan Pugsley (http://danpugsley.co.uk)
Camera Assistance by Elisa Spigariol (http://twitter.com/doyouknowellie)
Animation by Ben ‘Wonchop’ Smallman (@Wonchop)
Costume Alterations by Millie (http://twitter.com/millierosalie)
Special thanks to Eddie Bowley (@eddache), Chloe Dungate (@ScarfDemon)
CONTENT WARNING: A knife, implied horse murder, and blood that’s totally not just strawberry jam.
Secondary Channel (@TomSkaAndFriends)
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