I got my hands on a pistorm so join me this week as we put it together and get it setup. As someone who doesn't know the first thing about Raspberry Pi's this was quite a learning curve and I hadn't intended this video be become a tutorial but it might be useful for anyone looking to setup their own PISTORM.
Any comments, questions or suggestion please leave them in the comments below.
Follow me on twitter - https://twitter.com/YT_CRG
Helpful links:
Main github - https://github.com/captain-amygdala/pistorm
PiSCSI - https://github.com/captain-amygdala/pistorm/tree/main/platforms/amiga/piscsi
PiRTG - https://github.com/captain-amygdala/pistorm/tree/main/platforms/amiga/rtg
Basic linux commands - https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/linux-commands (thanks Chrissy this was very useful)
WinSCP - https://winscp.net/eng/index.php