Officially posting my ironman attempts.
I'd love some feedback on a couple of things:
Audio levels - I'm guessing mic input is too loud, game input is too low, but let me know what you think.
How much dungeon delving content should I include? Do you want to see the whole dungeon or should I cut out the backtracking and such?
How much walking around in town should I include? Skips to points of interest?
Updated mod list:
Background Question and History Fixes
Basic Roads
Betony Restored
Beyond Ashes - Bounty Hunters
Birds in Daggerfall
Climates & Calories
Convenient Quest Log
Critical Hits
Daggerfall Enemy Expansion
Daggerfall Expanded Textures
Darker Dungeons
Detailed City Walls
Diverse Weapons
Drafty Secret Doors
Dungeon Loot
Dynamic Skies - Pixelated
Famous Faces of the Iliac Bay
Finding my Religion
Fixed Desert Architecture
Fixed Dungeon Exteriors
Gotta Pet Em All
Guaranteed Ingredient Lootdrops
Horrible Hordes
Improved Interior Lighting
Jewelry Additions
Kab's Unleveled Spells
Language Skills Overhaul
Limited Gold Shops
Lively Cities
Lives of Raiders - Banditry Events
Locked Loot Containers
Lootable Villagers
New Paintings
No Nudity
Open Cages
Order Service
Perform at Taverns
Persistent Dungeons
Random Starting Dungeon
Real Grass
Realistic Wagon
Reasonable Blood
Rest Warning if Unwell
Roleplay Realism
Roleplay Realism - Items
Taverns Redone
Temples Cure Poison
The Penwick Papers
Third Person Camera
Training Service Overhaul
Travel Options
Uncanny UI
Unleveled Loot
Vanilla Enhance
Varied Wealthy Homes
Villager Immersion Classic
Villager Reactions
Warm Ashes
World of Daggerfall
I practice writing sci fi / fantasy works on this here blog. Take a look if you'd like: