Can we turn around the fortunes of the high energy gaming system?
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Opening "Sega" jingle is from Astal for the Sega Saturn.
Ending Music during the credits is from Batman for the Sega Genesis.
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By: Jan Neves
YouTube Page -
Intro by Evan S.
Outro Animation by Kevin Bhall
YouTube Page -
Episode Notes:
1. There is a mixture of FPGA, emulation, and real hardware in this.
2. The making of this video was grueling. It was rewritten several times.
3. I purposely left out the Turbo Express. I would not use it unless sales of the base unit turned around significantly.
4. Waiting to release the Turbo CD is a must. I think it helps mitigate expenditure at a crucial building point.
5. I would not have designed the PC-FX the original way. NEC went in a direction that gave it no meaningful chance at success.