Шьём летнюю сумку 👜 в технике пэчворк. Часть первaя. Мастер-класс по пошиву сумочки
Dimensions of the pieces.
For the patchwork you will need :
24 circles with a diameter of 11cm.
24 squares of 7.5×7.5 cm.
The finished patchwork pattern is 45×30cm.
Back piece
1. 45×37cm.
2. 45×28cm.
3. 45×22cm (pocket lining detail)
Bag lining:
Zip pocket:
Trims: 11×35cm. two pieces.
Pocket without zip:
One piece 70×27cm and two pieces 11×35cm hem.
Handles: 65×16cm, two pieces.
Zip 40cm. to it the piping 45×8cm, four pieces.
Have fun sewing the bag! 🙋😊