Jada Toys Street Fighter 2 Wave 3 Review
#JadaToys #ToyReview #streetfighter2
This review took me entirely too long to make, I've legitimately been working on it for a month. But I'm pretty happy with how it came out. And I love these figures so much, I just have to talk about them.
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If you wanna buy the lights I'm using, here's a link to them. This is an affiliate link, so I get some money from it.
Here's a link to the acrylic riser I'm using.
3 tier - https://amzn.to/4aSgfYn
2 tier - https://amzn.to/3wghukW
Here's the Mic I'm using.
Also, my PO Box is gone. Please don't send things to it.
Chapter List
Intro 0:00
Dee Jay Overview 1:21
Dee Jay Articulation 4:21
Dee Jay Accessories 5:41
Dee Jay Final Verdict 9:19
Cammy Overview 10:08
Cammy Articulation 11:52
Cammy Accessories 13:57
Cammy Final Verdict 16:48
Guile Overview 17:26
Guile Articulation 20:32
Guile Accessories 21:39
Guile Final Verdict 24:48
FInal Thoughts 25:11