Levi Turns Green and Learns About Jealousy
On this episode of the #LivelyLewisShow Levi really wants Ivy’s glow-in-the-dark stars and cool robot. When he gets super jealous, he starts turning green like a monster! But with help from his family, he learns being happy with what he has. Watch Levi’s funny and colorful adventure!
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Welcome to the Lively Lewis Show! Join Levi and Ivy as they dive into epic adventures. Get ready for wild stories, silly laughs, and cool costumes! Levi’s lively energy and Ivy’s funny personality make every episode a blast. We’re all about inspiring curiosity, creativity, and imagination for kids everywhere. So, hit that subscribe button and don’t miss out on the fun – it’s always an adventure with the Lively Lewis Show! #LivelyLewisShow #LivelyLewisFamily #LivelyLewisStories #YouTubeKids