Levitate | GCMV | Gacha Club | Pt 1 | [W: Flashing & Blood] | [Read Description]
Social media
Tiktok: itz._.crystal._.808 (username) https://www.tiktok.com/@itz._.crystal._.808?_t=8aBCZA6lSDj&_r=1
Instagram: xx.crystal808.xx (username) https://instagram.com/xx.crystal808.xx?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY=
Twitter: ItzCrystal808 (username)
Picnic: itz.crystal.xx (username) https://picnic.zone/user/7fa5b9bd-e6ef-48fc-9c26-33e7ee655924
I just joined but ill put all my edit on there without all the flashing
Pls do not copy or steal my video and don’t copy any of my OC’s
TW⚠️ Blood & Flashing
Thanks for watching!
Tags: #gacha #gachalife #gachaclub #viral #gachaedit #levitate #earth #gcmv #gachacommunity #gachatuber