Early battles on the track between Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg both 15 years old.
The Mercedes AMG F1 drivers were MBM teammates (Mercedes-Benz McLaren Driver Development Programme) directed by David Brown and Keke Rosberg until 2000. The direction has been entrusted to Ron Dennis and Martin Whitmarsh from 2001 until today.
🏆 2000 CIK-FIA Karting Formula A World Cup in Japan 🇯🇵
DRIVERS: Robert Kubica, Christian Bakkerud, José Maria Lopez, Roberto Streit, Colin Brown, Alessandro Bonetti, Sergio Jimenez, Laurent Groppi, Alexander Storckenfeldt, Mike Conway, Marie Hirth, Clivio Piccione, Bruno Spengler, Loïc Duval, Sakon Yamamoto.
#LewisHamilton #NicoRosberg #Karting #FA #WorldCup #Japan #F1 #Mercedes #AMG #Hamilton #Rosberg #GoKart #Kart #McLaren #MercedesAMG #MercedesF1 #Netflix #DrivetoSurvive #Season3 #MBM #CRG #Parilla #RonDennis #KekeRosberg #MartinWhitmarsh #DavidBrown #RobertKubica #ChristianBakkerud #JoseMariaLopez #RobertoStreit #ColinBrown #AlessandroBonetti #SergioJimenez #LaurentGroppi #AlexanderStorckenfeldt #MikeConway #MarieHirth #ClivioPiccione #BrunoSpengler #LoicDuval #SakonYamamoto