A spooky house is over there
Lion cub doesn’t seem to care
Until he jumps way too high
This looks bad for Lion Guy
I really need to find the door
Maybe I’ll just explore
The wood gives him a slap
This house is like a trap
Over here the floor is gone
What the heck is going on
Fish are flying everywhere
How can I get back up there??
This fish is very blue
Let me show you something new
Is this a stair I see?
It appeared so magically
Okay I know what to do
Catch the green and yellow ones too
Green and yellow stairs appear
With each catch things become clear
Catching fish is really fun
Just one more and then I’m done
This red fish is the last
WOW this fish is really fast
When the fish runs away
Lion cub shouts out “Hoooray!”
Climbing up to the top
Won’t this madness ever stop?!
I think I know what to do
Button 5, I choose you!
Lion cub bumps his head
Should have pushed something else instead
Humm now let me see
Seven is the one for me!
Lion cub flies through the air
You should not go inside there
Do you understand me son?