Lion cub is on the run
Were’s a bathroom? Oh, there’s one!
Need to use your bathroom quick
Yes that will do the trick
You stay out here and play
I’ll be just a sec, okay?
But when Lion cub is done
Goo goo gaa gaa I had fun
Her drawings are everywhere
Oh um, how did that get there?
Here you need to paint the wall
Make sure you cover them all
The painting is almost done
Goo goo gaa gaa this is fun
No! She made another mess?
Better get more paint I guess
Sit right here and play with this
Cleaning up after my sis
Painted right up to the wall
A ladder will fix this all
Lion cub, you silly head
I will try some stilts instead
I’m as tall as a tree
Is anyone as smart as me?
Finally, the job is done
Lion cub, you’re number one!
Everythings as good as new
Till sis covers it with sticky goo
Ew I’m not cleaning that up
Get over here you little pup
Sis we need to leave this place
Goo goo gaa gaa Silly Face!
Goo goo gaa gaa she’s a clown!
Quickly let's get out of town