The provincial life in Russia, I would say, is everywhere outside of Moscow. Maybe, Saint-Petersburgh.
It’s hard for me, a person who grew up in Moscow, despite being raised in a poor family (in terms of Moscow), to understand all the challenges people can face, living somewhere in a small city in Russia.
Like Engels. A city with about 200 thousand people of population.
BUT. My wife was born here, and lived here before turning 18, so, I hope we both did manage to let you feel the lifestyle of Engels, by providing the exact footage and information in the video.
I hope, that this video let’s you know my country better, by seeing the regular life of regular people.
Engels during Summer 2022
Life Under Sanctions in Provincial Russia
Typical Russian Apartment Tour | Provincial city of Engels:
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Please see the time codes for your convenience:
00:00 Arriving at Saratov railway station
00:28 The Volga river
01:41 Meeting my kids after 1,5 months
02:24 History of Engels
03:30 Main street
04:07 Why there are so many pipes in the provincial cities
05:24 What I feel as a person from the capital
07:58 City centre feat. Lenin
08:56 Interviewing local people
10:10 Central park
11:10 Remembering our patriots
11:41 Volga river, view from Engels
13:01 Place wher the FIRST EVER cosmonaut landed
17:27 Shopping in the provincial Russia be like
19:34 Where kids study / The school, where my wife used to study
22:55 In conclusion
Thank you
Your Russian Mate From Russia