This video was originally uploaded by Vedanta Society of NewYork in its official channel. It was a live stream session. Unfortunately it wasn't available in the YouTube platform after few days and luckily I had downloaded this after watching. Now I'm uploading it so that people can access this phenomenal lecture by Sw. Sarvapriyananda ji on Srimat Swami Abhedananda ji mj's life.
Swami Abhedananda (2 October 1866 – 8 September 1939), born Kaliprasad Chandra, was a direct disciple of the 19th century mystic Ramakrishna Paramahansa and the founder of Ramakrishna Vedanta Math. Swami Vivekananda sent him to the West to head the Vedanta Society of New York in 1897, and spread the message of Vedanta, a theme on which he authored several books through his life, and subsequently founded the Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, in Calcutta (now Kolkata) and Darjeeling.