JiaBaiDa JBD UP Series 200a 16s parallel BMS (JBD-UP16S015.16S200A)
Top-Balance FAIL!
Target: 3.45V/cell 55.20V @ 5A CC-CV
1rst try: BMS block the charge, Cell OverVoltageProtection activated!
2nd try: 3.40V/cell 54,40V @ 1A CC-CV
Cell diviation: 250+mV :(
Good result = 10mV!
Balancer activation: too late, and too slow, too many condition.
Bad factory configuration:
Balance start 3400mV
Balance method: Charge only
Balance activate: 30mV diviation
New fine-tune configuration:
Balance start 3350mV
Balance method: Idle
Balance activate: 10mV diviation
Modify the parameters and config: WORKING!
ESS software, BMS Tool ES-UP
Login password: 888666
Unfortunately this BMS has a very low 80-200mA passive balancer current. It will never be able to maintain the battery at 50-100A charging current.
It will definitely be necessary to add an Active Balancer 5-10A which will activate around 3.38V (strong voltage rise phase). Order, installation and test results, later...
Wanptek DPS605U Szabályozható Laboratóriumi Kapcsolóüzemű Tápegység, Labortáp 0-60V / 0-5A 300W
Battery pack:
51.2V 15kWh 300Ah unknown cell type 16s
Disassembly later...
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH0rWI0iCqU
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