👽⌚️ • Liga da Justiça + Pátria | React Ao Rap | Ben 10 • Supremacia Alienígena • M4rkim
Mais um vídeo aqui no canal 💙
Another video here on the channel 💙
📲 Meu discord :IM DRAKEN#9343
©️: 📲 My discord: IM DRAKEN#9343
menbros: @anosvoldigoad7848
Música: https://youtu.be/0C4438sQ904?si=3-PA2w6_DbIwByMT
thumbnail: @IMDRAKENOFC
Artista: @M4rkim
🔵Aplicativos que eu usei no vídeo🔵 :
👉 Gacha ultra
👉 filmora
👉 capcut
👉 ibispaint X #react
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©️ All rights belong to their respective owners
#react #ben10 #ben10omniverse #ben10alienforce #ben10supremaciaalienígena #gacha #gachareact #gachaclub