Welp here's a music video I've been planning for months. I'm not too happy with the finished result but eh oh well, I can live with it. This took me two months and I kept losing then regaining motivation... This video was energy-draining
Hohoho the quality of this is actually painful what the heck happened
Thanks to my friends for giving me some kind of motivation for this. Steve is very greatfuL
If the Arabic is very off in the book I'M SORRY-
As me and my friends have discovered, Google Translate kind of sucks at translating some languages *cough* she felt like dancing a few feet away from her *cough*
Ok future me here now. At the time of making this video, I was interested in Arabian culture which is why I ended up using it in the book. I didnt want to just have random Arabic letters so I decided to use google translate. I think I wrote the basics of what the page was about and then went of saying stuff like how was your day, but it probably translated wrong so for anyone who knows Arabic, hopefully its laughable and entertaining and didnt translate to anything offensive. I've changed how writing in this world will appear so its no longer Arabic and can avoid any weird translationS-
Made with:
Ibis Paint X (for art)
Cute Cut Pro (literally everything else)
Characters used:
Infinity (gold eyes)
Eternity (blue eyes)
Li Hui- UH I mean Raie (purple cape)
Bow (I think her name is enough to know who she is)
Arun (the one guy who appeared at the enD)
Yes this description has references that only like six people will understand
This was supposed to explain my OC backstory but I really dont think it showed it well.
If you're kind of interested I'll put a short summary here. It's not really short.
Infinity was a princess who was isolated within her castle by her sister. Eternity did this to protect her, but she felt lonely. One day she decided to explore the Forbidden Forest and she fled there one night. When the sun set, she began to feel afraid and headed for a spring as it glowed in the dark. Raie surprised her and offered her a rare flower that was only found in this forest. They became friends.
Infinity often visited Raie and because of this, Eternity became suspicious. Infinity had recently learned a new Forbidden Spell (powerful spells reserved only for the ruler's direct bloodline) and wanted to show it to Raie. The spell was supposed to give the caster an extra life, but as these spells take months to learn, Raie made a slight mistake and blew himself up. Infinity tried to heal her, but Raie was still left with a broken horn (horns in this world have all their power and die without them). Eternity arrived not long after. She promised Infinity that she would keep this a secret, as royalty was not supposed to be associated with anyone outside the palace.
Eventually, Infinity told Eternity how Raie cast that spell and succeeded without practice. Eternity then completely changed (she has a long story of why she changed, but I don't want to explain this now, this is getting too long, consider yourself spared) Eternity later hired an assassin, and as she stumbled across Raie's lifeless body, Infinity realised it was her fault.
I spent a good half an hour writing that.
I just realised I forgot to add Infinity's vitiligo into the thumbnail. Whoops
Do I own the music in this video? ABSOLUTELY NOT. The original song, Lily, belongs to Alan Walker and all credit should go to them. I only did the animation for this and this video is intended for entertainment purposes only.
#lily #lilymusicvideo #lilygacha #gcmv #gachaclub