As the season heats up, tensions reach a boiling point in the valley. The Punks, nearing the end of their reign, patrol their territory as the Nomads finally make their bold move south. At dawn, Nathan follows the invading males as they rampage into the heart of the MK pride’s land, scattering the group and coming perilously close to the five hidden cubs. The Punks flee, leaving their young offspring in grave danger, and Nathan, witnessing his first pride takeover, feels torn—admiring the Nomads' strength yet fearing for the cubs' fate. Meanwhile, the Hollywood pride begins to recover as Ava, their main hunter, regains her strength and daringly steals a kill from a fierce leopard. Sam encounters Chipadzua, a bold female leopard whose scavenging leads to a tense clash with the Hollywoods. As the predators vie for survival, Nathan anxiously discovers whether the MK cubs have survived the Nomads' onslaught.
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Key Words: lion, lions, lion hunt, documentary, animal documentary, nature documentary, wildlife documentary, full documentary, full episode, animal facts, fun facts, hunting, hunt, prey, predator, predators, cat, cats, big cat, big cats, wildcat, wild cat, wild cats, lion cub, lion cubs, cub