This is my train layout as of 11/22/20. All of the trains and accessories were produced by Lionel between 1946 and 1959. The track and controls are modern but everything else is 99% original. The video features the following accessories.
125 Whistle Station
138 Water Tower
164 Log Loader
282 Gantry Crane
342 Culvert Loader
345 Culvert Unloader
3454 Merchandise Car
3456 Coal Hopper
3461 Log Car
3462 Milk Car
3469 Coal Dump Car
3520 Searchlight Car
3562 Barrel Car
362 Barrel Loader
364 Conveyor Log Loader
3656 Cattle Corral and Car
397 Coal Loader
456 Coal Ramp
494 Rotary Beacon
497 Coaling Station
352 Ice Depot
264 Fork Lift
450 Signal Bridge
132 Passenger Station