LIOW VIDEO: Liaoge Bike Shop 自行车开箱改装 Unboxing/Upgrades 3Sixty Bicycle
37年来,我买了无数辆的自行车,今天是第一次购买三折自行车。货比三家,我到过许多车店,觉得辽哥自行车店的价格比较合理,服务和改车手艺也很好。所以我上网定购了这辆外三速3SIXTY并亲自下去取车和改装。这个开箱视频献给喜爱自行车的朋友。Together with my son, we went to Liaoge Bike shop to collect my 1st trifold bicycle. As usual, I made the unboxing video and upgraded most of the parts. Would like to share this video with my Youtube friends who love cycling/bicycle/trifold bike.