This is a highlight reel of the Extraordinary Ridge Traverse between two 14ers, Little Bear to Blanca Peak, and it contains lots of aerial footage documenting the route. The entire expedition from the trail head and back can be seen here, and it is EPIC!
The climbing is fairly easy, but the loose alpine nature of the route combined with the Massive Exposure is intimidating even for veteran rock climbers and mountaineers alike. I honestly wish I had covered this incredible summit adventure better than I did but, going solo for the on-sight and hearing many hair raising reports made the cameras a low priority until I realized I was sure I was properly trained, prepared, the weather would hold and Iwas moving efficiently.
When I first looked down the ridge and realized the immense commitment I was about to make I was scared $hitless! There is a longer video of the entire climb on my channel covering the entire trip from car to car if you want to get a realistic idea of what this endeavor entails, getting up the ROUGH approach road and climbing the notoriously dangerous Little Bear peak are major achievements by themselves and you can hear me whimper my way through it all in the long version! LOL In hind sight, I feel the Maroon Bells traverse, while shorter, less exposed and not as intimidating, is harder with more route finding, technical, class 5 climbing and all on similar untrustworthy loose rock in a BEAUTIFUL alpine environment. That video is also on my channel . . . Safe Adventures my friends!
DISCLAIMER: The Expedition(s) documented on this channel are for entertainment purposes only, NOT FOR Explicit Instruction or Route Execution. I have had MANY NEAR DEATH experiences and a couple serious accidents over 30 years of Backcountry adventures, the RISKS are very REAL. I do not recommend or encourage attempting the routes or strategies shown in these videos, and assume no personal responsibility if you choose to do a similar outing. As always, hike, bike and climb at your own risk. Know Your LIMITS and stay within them if you expect to avoid any accidents. even then. . .